It seems like ages ago when my kids and I spent a week in Hong Kong. We stayed next to Garden Hill, an area I knew because of the eponymous Garden Bakery. The bakery building is gorgeous.

One evening after a long day out, we returned to our hostel and the kids wanted to climb Garden Hill. It was 10pm, not late by Hong Kong standards, but it was dark. Climbing two hundred plus steps on a hill in the dark may or may not be a good idea, I thought. So I asked at the hostel to see what they thought.
The staff said no one goes up there at night and it might be dangerous. I knew Hong Kong pretty well and couldn’t think of anywhere then that was really dangerous, but still felt it was best to be cautious.
Yet my kids insisted and since my older son–6 foot 2–was with us. So I thought, why not?
It was a grueling climb after walking 10-15 miles already that day, but so worth it. The view was lovely and the dozens of young people sitting up there, talking and enjoying a midnight snack, made us feel like we were part of the community.

This is what I loved most about Hong Kong. The feeling of community.
how sad to watch dear HK now struggle with its lost of freedoms and strangle hold of the CCP – will it ever be the free port it once was and we all loved. The chinese who first came, came for freedom not subjugation. Farewell old friend?