Several years ago I spent Halloween in Hong Kong for the first time since just after the Handover. I was in the city on a quick layover, but with enough time to walk around my old haunts from the 90s. Kowloon has always been my favorite part of Hong Kong, maybe because it’s less familiar with fewer big box stores, apart from TST and big malls in places like Kowloon Tong.
These are just some of the photos I took around the old Kai Tak Airport, which has surprisingly (for a place as land locked as Hong Kong) been abandoned except for a little-used cruise terminal and public park.
It all seems like so long ago.
It is so long ago for many of us who sampled the old lives there – independence; democracy and full on capitalism! How can it ever be the same as it was? many Europeans will depart rather than stay without freedom. Personally I think mainland China as made a big error and killed the goose that laid the golden egg and will finish sup with egg on its face! Hong Kong was so unique and that will vanish. How sad that ‘uniqueness’ cannot be tolerated!