It’s hard to believe a week ago I was in Hong Kong, wandering around the streets of Sheung Wan and Sai Ying Pun, places I used to walk around when I taught English in those areas 20+ years ago.
When I saw this huge durian, I had to take a photo of it to show my kids. They are obsessed with the concept of the durian: spiky skin, stinky fragrance, soft texture inside. They’ve never tried a fresh durian because we’ve had durian ice pops and they couldn’t deal with the smell for long.
Is there a food you cannot eat no matter how many times you’ve wanted to try it?
That is one big durian! I had bought my mother-in-law one as she really loves them, and everyone complained about the smell once it was opened. I too wasn’t too keen on the smell and had to go into another room until she was finished eating it! She loves it though, despite the smell.