Somehow it’s March and my kids’ spring break is a couple weeks away and I feel like the year has gotten away from me already. Didn’t we just celebrate the new year?
When I think about this year and that it’s March already, I can’t help but doing the math in my head and realizing that 20 years ago this month, I had one of the best spring breaks ever. I was living in Hong Kong and my mom and uncle flew out for a week to visit. Sure, Japanese Father also descended upon the Fragrant Harbor that week (if you don’t know about Japanese Father, you haven’t read Good Chinese Wife yet…), but I still have a great time nonetheless.
My mom, uncle and I walked all over Hong Kong, which was something I had stopped doing after I got married. It was great fun to be a tourist in my own town, catch up with my family, and have lots of laughs. I was on a no-pork kick, which would last to this day, and my uncle thought this meat-lovers’ advertisement was a funny in light of that.
I think we were somewhere on the South Side of Hong Kong Island. Repulse Bay or Stanley. I was carrying my favorite umbrella, which would meet its demise either before I left Hong Kong two years later or once we moved to San Francisco in 1998. Can’t quite remember what happened to it.
Do you have a favorite spring break memory?
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