I am beyond excited to announce the blog tour that will usher in Good Chinese Wife and continue on for another month past the publication date of July 29th!
Speaking of China‘s Jocelyn Eikenburg helped put together the first two weeks, which will include FOUR giveaways! So be sure to check these sites for instructions on how to enter!
My publisher will have a few giveaways for the part of the tour that starts July 29th and goes through the end of August!
Here’s the full schedule! Thanks to everyone who is participating!
Date | Blog | URL |
July 15 | Speaking of China | www.speakingofchina.com |
July 16 | Texan in Tokyo Karen Ma | howibecametexan.com www.karenmaauthor.com |
July 17 | Living a Dream in China The Grand Narrative | sarajaaksola.com thegrandnarrative.com |
July 18 | My Hong Kong Husband | myhongkonghusband.wordpress.com |
July 19 | Chinese Tools Tone Deaf in Thailand | www.chinese-tools.com tonedeafinthailand.blogspot.com |
July 20 | Offbeat Marriage Marta Lives in China | offbeatmarriage.com martalivesinchina.wordpress.com |
July 21 | Taiwanxifu Dorcas Cheng-Tozun | taiwanxifu.com www.chengtozun.com |
July 22 | China Elevator Stories Nicki Chen Writes | chinaelevatorstories.com nickichenwrites.com |
July 23 | Xiananigans | xiananigans.wordpress.com |
July 24 | Svetlana’s Reads and Views Girls Trek Too | sveta-randomblog.blogspot.com caralopezlee.com/blog |
July 25 | The Mandarin Duck Mapping Words | themandarinduck.wordpress.com www.mappingwords.com |
July 26 | Linda Living in China East-West Notes | lindalivinginchina.com eastwestnotes.com |
July 27 | Writer. Traveler. Tea Drinker. | www.beckyances.net |
July 28 | A Kindle in Hong Kong | akindleinhongkong.blogspot.com |
July 29 | Bookshipper We Said Go Travel | www.bookshipper.blogspot.com www.wesaidgotravel.com |
July 30 | Marjolein Book Blog | marjoleinbookblog.blogspot.com |
August 6 | Zee Monodee | zeemonodee.blogspot.com |
August 7 | Write Meg! A Bookish Affair | writemeg.com abookishaffair.blogspot.com |
August 8 | Shelf Pleasure | www.shelfpleasure.com |
August 12 | Leah’s Thoughts | leahsthoughts.com |
August 16 | Mary’s Cup of Tea | www.mmbearcupoftea.com |
August 20 | Catherine Hunt | catherinehunt.me.uk |
I’m so thrilled to kick off this tour tomorrow! And especially excited for the publication of your book, Susan! Congratulations!
Thank you so much, Jocelyn! It’s been great fun working with you on the blog tour and so exciting that it’s finally here! I love the way your interview turned out. Thank you again for everything!