Several days ago my husband Tom oh-so-casually mentioned that GOOD CHINESE WIFE is available on Amazon.
I was shocked. I’d trolled the site for months, just to see if another similarly titled book had appeared. But I guess I hadn’t been on in a while.
Tom had mentioned my book to his medical biller, who checked on Amazon to see if it was available on Kindle (not yet). But the paperback was listed for pre-ordering!
Wasting no time, I e-mailed my agent to let her know. She was thrilled, too.
The book comes out in eight months from tomorrow.
I’m so thrilled for you, Susan! I’ll definitely be preordering!
Yay! Looking forward to reading the book 😀
恭喜恭喜!When the Kindle is available for pre-order, I’ll definitely be reserving myself a copy! Really looking forward to your book coming out!
Can’t wait!!
Well done you!
Roll on the physical books hitting the shelves….