When my 5 year-old daughter Rachel deconstructed a cardboard box, stood under it, proclaimed she was a dragon, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
We started with the flattened box, scissors, glue, and some simple construction paper scales. And a pair of eyes.
The next day I continued with the scales. The kids sorted them into piles according to color.
And on the third day we added a face and finished the scales.
Perfect for two pint-sized kids.
I’ll post more about the Year of the Dragon in the weeks to come. The kids and I will be sad to see it end. Snakes somehow don’t seem as fun.
Stuart Beaton says
Snakes are just as much fun, slithering and sliding around, wiggling across the floor – but that Dragon looks excellent!
I thought the internet had killed creativity, but I am happy to be shown otherwise!
Susan Blumberg-Kason says
Thanks so much! We’re still trying to find things to do that aren’t screen-based. It’s a challenge, that’s for sure. I think we’ll make snakes this week from loo roll tubes (is that how they say toilet paper tubes in Australia?).