As Chinese New Year approaches, I think back to one of my favorite parts of CNY from years past.
My red jacket.

I bought it in Hubei province 17 long years ago and took it with me to San Francisco when I moved there in 1998. I can still picture where it hung in my California closet. But after that it’s all a blur. A rushed move to Chicago, another two local moves, and now the jacket is no more.
Our winter in Chicago this year is like a rollercoaster. On the warmer days, like today’s 60F temps, I long for that jacket. So I took to the internet a couple weeks ago, scanning eBay and Chinese clothing sites. Then I turned to

My new jacket is dark pink, not shiny like my old one, and more form fitting. It’s vintage, made in Hong Kong, and just as warm as my original Chinese jacket.
I’ll make sure I keep a closer eye on this one.
Looks fantastic – more people should tell you that!
You’re too kind!!!