Today I had a senior moment.
All week I had been talking up the dragon boat races in Chicago to my kids. To celebrate its 100th anniversary, Chinatown is holding festivals every Sunday for a month, starting last Sunday. Since last week’s lion dance started right when 3 year-old Martin takes his nap, I figured we could skip it and wait for the dragon boat races the following Sunday.
Which was today.
So my husband Tom and I piled Martin and 5 year-old Rachel into our car (older brother Jake is at camp for the month) and headed into the city. We met my mom for dim sum.
And noticed this cool poster plaque near the restaurant’s elevator. It stood alone, without any indication of where it came from or why it’s there. Most of the photos show scenes from Jewish Kaifeng, although the bottom middle is from Harbin.
The kids ate so much dim sum, I felt my pants tighten just watching them. As soon as they started to fall apart, we paid (mai dan) and headed to the dragon boat races.
Except the streets leading to the park didn’t appear busier than on a normal day. And sure enough when we arrived, the park was more or less empty.
The races had taken place the day before. I had misread the date on the internet. Aiya!
I seemed to be the only one upset by this discovery. Of course we all wanted to see the races, but Rachel and Martin showed how adaptable kids can be. So we hung out at the playground for an hour. And checked out this barge under the 18th Street bridge.
And unobtrusively watched these martial arts classes off in the distance.
We finished the outing with smoothies for the kids (kiwi for Rachel and mango for Martin), then headed home for Martin’s nap. Next year I’ll be sure to remember the correct day for the dragon boat races.
You’ve had a couple of these senior moments lately, eh?
More than a couple, but this is all I will admit to! I think I lost my memory in 2000 and haven’t been able to find it anywhere!
happens to the best of us, susan 🙂 i misread 16.30h for half past six once and missed a doctor’s appointment that i had waited over a month for 🙁 – and had to wait another month to get. glad you all had an enjoyable outing anyway
Thanks!! That’s too bad your doctor couldn’t squeeze you in. Once I was running 15 minutes late, and when I called to inform them, they told me not to bother and that I couldn’t come back for another 6 weeks. I never did go back to that doctor, and found another one. Yes, it was nice. Can’t go wrong with Chinatown!